Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday!

I can't believe that I have a one year old! More like a teenager with the way he slept in today. I woke up and went into Tyler's room and he was still asleep and it was after 9am! I sat in the rocking chair in his room and he started to roll around and started to wake up. He sat up, saw me and smiled a big sleepy grin. We went downstairs so he could have a bottle and snuggles before I needed to go and pick up his cake. I didn't know that we had gotten some winter weather over night and that my car was covered in ice and so were the roads. I was determined to get there and pick up the cake and the weather in OKC is never as bad as what I'm used to driving in in CT. So I started the car and blasted the heat, got out the scraper and started clearing off the car. Of course I was so excited to get there and a little worried about the slick conditions that I didn't even stop to get cash to pay for the cake before I got there! Well then I felt pretty dumb that I tried to pick up a cake with no money so I had to drive down the street to the bank.... ATM was broken! So they said try 7/11 and they weren't doing cash back.... UGH!!! So there was another gas station across the street that didn't look that nice but I was getting desperate. I just parked near a curb since the little bit of ice and snow that had fallen were covering any parking spot lines and walked up to the front door that had bars on them. I looked around for an ATM and there wasn't one. I went up to the counter and asked the man if he did cash back. He didn't speak the best english so I tried asking him if I bought something could he give me cash with my purchase. At first he didn't understand but then he told me yes he could but that it would cost me $2.00. I told him that was totally fine I just needed the money. I finally had the money to pay for the cake and drove back to pick it up. Thankfully there were only a few slick spots and got back with both cakes in tact. I also found out that my school was closed due to weather which was nice because I didn't have to leave again to take the math test that I was supposed to do. We ordered pizzas to be delivered and then just hung around the house until we had a few friends come over. Tyler's friend Grayson who he plays with while i'm at school came over to celebrate. Along with Evan (Grayson's older brother) and Rose and Matt (their parents). We had cake and Tyler was more excited about the Molly and Gill Bubble Guppie characters that were on top of the cake. He ate a little bit of it but it didn't seem like he loved it all that much. I don't think Tyler likes chocolate too much.... I know HOW COULD THIS BE?!?!? But he did eat a little and then went down for a nap. Our friends had to go and Nick and I went by ourselves to check out new couches since the frame in ours snapped in the back. When we got back Tyler was still asleep but woke up not much longer after that. We were able to FaceTime with family so they could watch presents being opened. He loved the little tikes car that he got and was so cute as Nick pushed him around the dining room in it! We settled down by watching some bubble guppies since he got a new DVD of episodes and then it was bed time. I think he had a really great first birth day. I just can't believe that it had been a whole year! Last year I had a little tiny baby to snuggle with and was so exhausted. Now he is almost walking..... He took one step today!!! Still no teeth but he eats pretty much anything and signs eat and milk constantly. I think he does it over and over because it is something that he can communicate something that we understand. Here are some pictures of the festivities: 

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